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Steps to join ELS2022 as a Presenter

Upload AbstractAcknowledgementAcceptanceRegistrationConfirmationConference

Frequently Asked Questions about the Conference.

What are the conference dates?
The conference will be held on June 24-25, 2023.
Why am I asked to upload my presentation video?
The video should be submitted only if you cannot make it for an online presentation.
How will be the conference held online?
The conference will be conducted on the Zoom Webinar platform. Download the Zoom meeting app and sign in. We request you download the latest version of Zoom for better security and performance.
How can submit my abstract for participation?
You can submit your research abstract on this page.
How can submit my full research paper for publication?
You can submit your research paper on this page.
Are there any publication charges for a research paper?
Yes, the editing and proofreading charges per research paper are INR 1000 for publication.
What is the last date to submit the abstract?
June 15, 2023
What is the last date of registration?
June 20, 2023